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Year 2

Year 2

DT - Cooking

This term in Design and Technology we learnt about local and seasonal food. We practised cutting, slicing and chopping and then used our knife skills to prepare apples for a seasonal apple cake. We really enjoyed tasting the cake together afterwards – most of the children thought it was delicious!


Curtis Woods

We went on a lovely walk to Curtis Woods to look for signs of Autumn! We saw lots of things that showed us that Autumn had arrived such as moss, orange, crispy leaves, wet mud, berries and some bare trees. We felt that the air seemed cooler and the noticed that the sun was lower in the sky. We had a fantastic time exploring the woods and finding lots of great things to play with! Luckily, we found some trees to shelter us from the rain and we had smiles on our faces as we walked back to school through the drizzle!


We have had lots of fun visiting the computer suite this term!  We have learnt how to log onto the computer independently and have spent time familiarising ourselves with where the letters and numbers are located on a keyboard in order to develop our typing skills. We used a variety of games on Purple Mash to enhance these skills and were able to navigate and explore different websites, once we’d logged in with a secure password.  During our final session, we created wonderful Christmas pictures using our controlled mouse skills on 2Paint!


Art - Colour Mixing

This term in Art, we have been exploring colour and what happens when we mix colours! We have refreshed our knowledge of primary and secondary colours and made our own colour wheels. We also made colour charts to show what happened when we added black and white tints to colours.


This term in music, Year 2 have been learning about rhythm and dot notation. We practised copying rhythms on un-tuned instruments (including our hands) and composed our own rhythms to share with a friend. Then we learnt the value of different symbols to help us remember our rhythms: crotchet, quaver, minim, semibreve and very importantly, the crotchet rest. We learnt that dot notation represents the length of the sound or rest. We enjoyed counting in our heads as we followed the symbols!



During our wonderful COOL time we have the opportunity to continue the learning that we have been doing throughout the week and enjoy practising / showing the different characteristics of effective learning.  We have really enjoyed exploring all of the amazing resources that we have available to support the development of our social and communication skills, such as board games, marble runs, wooden blocks, train sets and Lego etc.  We have particularly enjoyed our role play areas within our classrooms this term!

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