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Welcome to Herne Infant & Nursery School - Learning, loving and growing together ... Admissions 2025 - come and have a look around our Outstanding School, Tour Dates and more information can be found under the Starting School tab below
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Design Technology

Design Technology


Children are nature born explorers - making links and experimenting with their ideas. We all learn through trial and error, and past experiences. At Herne, we believe it is important that we enable children to explore and develop these skills whilst designing and creating objects for a purpose. Whilst scaffolding their learning, our children are equipped with the confidence to make have a go, evaluate and make mistakes, gaining knowledge from them. Through the teaching of progressive skills involving designing, making and evaluating, the children will learn technical knowledge and gain an understanding of cooking and nutrition. These skills are developed across each year and built upon from prior learning. Here is an example of what that looks like, although some skills may be taught in a different term depending on topic. 


Creative Development

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term


Seasonal Change

Explore construction materials in a range of forms

Seasonal Change

Construct enclosures and creating spaces towers.

Seasonal change

Construct models to build and balance.



Year 1

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term


Soup making; using tools safely and appropriately

Musical instrument making; selecting and evaluating materials.

Windmill making using split pins and adapting to make improve the product.



Year 2

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term


Cooking e.g. Christmas Cake

Create a product with wheels and axels and use appropriate tools and materials and evaluate it.

Puppet making using fabric



The school environment allows children to develop their skills and creativity by ensuring constructional materials, tools and resources are readily available and independently accessed by all children, including those in the Nursery. Every child has access to these resources throughout the day particularly during our Learning Through Play sessions.

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