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Welcome to Herne Infant & Nursery School - Learning, loving and growing together ... Admissions 2025 - come and have a look around our Outstanding School, Tour Dates and more information can be found under the Starting School tab below
Home Page

General Information

Contact Details

Would parents please ensure that their contact numbers and email addresses are updated as necessary. We use telephone numbers to send texts as reminders and in case of clubs being cancelled etc.

Please ensure this information is sent in writing, either by email to or by completing a form available from the school office 

Health Information

We have been advised by the Health Protection Agency that anyone experiencing symptoms of diarrhoea or vomitting should stay off school for 48 hours after their symptoms have stopped. The infectious period lasts for 48 hours after the resolution of the symptoms. Please see the NHS website for more information.


Information and advice regarding Covid-19 be found here


School Uniform

Weather Information  

As the children spend much of their time outside please remember to send your child with suitable clothing each day. Please remember coats/sun hats if necessary and appropriate shoes etc.

Severe Weather - If we experience severe weather resulting in hazardous conditions, Mrs Thomas-Friend or Miss St John may have to take the decision to close the school.  Parents/Carers will be notified by text/email through Schoolcomms notifying the primary contact. The information will also be on the front page of the school’s website -

Information is also broadcast on KMFM, BBC Radio Kent or Heart FM

On-Line Payments

Payments made to school should now be made through the Schoolcomms Gateway on line facility.


From time to time this website may include links to other third party websites. These links are used to provide further information and are not intended to signify that Herne CE Infant & Nursery School endorses such websites and/or their content.  Herne CE Infant & Nursery School takes no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered as a result of using information published on any of the pages on the linked third party websites.

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