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Welcome to Herne Infant & Nursery School - Learning, loving and growing together ... Admissions 2025 - come and have a look around our Outstanding School, Tour Dates and more information can be found under the Starting School tab below
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Introduction to SEN&D       

At Herne CE Infant and Nursery School we strive to ensure that all children reach their full potential and are able to access a curriculum that is engaging and adapted depending on the needs of individual children.  Children learn best when they are happy and when they feel safe and secure. We continually focus on the children’s wellbeing, ensuring that they are able to access and engage with learning opportunities.  We view our children as individual learners whose needs are all different and may change during the time they are with us. Working collaboratively and developing good relationships with parents and pupils is important for learning and the wellbeing of our children and families within the school. Working in partnership with outside agencies is also a vital part of our role.  We are very proud of our inclusive ethos and equality of opportunity for all.


Please read our SEN and Disability Policy/SEN Information Report for detailed information about our support for Special Educational Needs/Disability.

Our school SENCO is Mrs A Cox; our school Governor is Mrs H Ackland.

Mrs Cox oversees and ensure that appropriate support and provision is in place for our children.  Our teachers hold the responsibility and are accountable for the progress and development of all pupils in their class.  This begins at initial identification of and leads to provision for children with Additional Educational Needs (AEN). This includes children identified with a Special Educational Need (SEN), English as an Additional Language (EAL), Medical needs or where children have been identified as Gifted and Talented.  Mrs Cox works in partnership with parents and external agencies where appropriate.  Children’s progress is continually monitored and reviewed following a ‘Graduated  Approach’ - a four part cycle (assess – plan- do- review) to secure good outcomes for pupils with SEN.


The ‘Kent Local Offer’ is a response from the government to enable parents/carers to find out about services, opportunities and access for children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities.  

Please find below a link to Kent County Councils local offer in line with the SEN Code of Practice 2014 


Mainstream Core Standards

At Herne CE Infant and Nursery School we follow the Mainstream Core Standards advice developed by Kent County Council to ensure that our teaching conforms to best practice. Please see the copies of school and parent guidance below:



In meeting the Mainstream Core Standards, we employ additional teaching approaches, as advised by both internal and external assessments examples of these are; one to one and group support, peer support, precision teaching, alternative methods of recording, use of ICT software.  These are delivered by our staff employed through the funding provided to the school as ‘notional SEN funding’. There is an emphasis on developing independent learners.


Please take time to look at our SEN Policy and Information Report. We welcome feedback. If you have any questions to ask, please email Mrs A. Cox (Assistant Head/SENCO)

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