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Windmill Nursery Curriculum

Term 3


This term our themes have been Winter, Bears and Rain!                                         

After Christmas, we found another use for our leftover pumpkins – turning them into birdfeeders and snowmen (after we’d painted them white first of course!) We also used our creative skills to decorate mittens, our maths skills to make repeating patterns on scarves and our language skills to retell the story of The Snowman. As well as this classic story, we also enjoyed lots of other winter themed stories. We explored ice and discovered what causes it to melt as well as experimenting with ice paints. We observed frost and recreated it on bare sticks using cotton wool and glitter. Winter isn’t dark and gloomy – it’s FUN!

Equally fun was our Bear theme finding out all about different types of real bears as well as learning about the very first ‘teddy’ bear. We shared lots of bear stories including Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Paddington. We made and tasted our own porridge and marmalade sandwiches (although we didn’t keep them under our hats!) We did lots of bear themed arts and crafts and the children had great fun using different types of brushes, including toothbrushes, to create fuzzy wuzzy bears!

Finally, we have explored the theme of Rain. We learned some rain rhymes and accompanied them using instruments and we have found out a little of how rain is formed – we even did an experiment to see what happens when a cloud gets too full and heavy! We counted and matched raindrops and designed our own. We even did an Incy Wincy Spider dough disco to strengthen the muscles in our hands and we loved mark making in a cloud (of shaving foam!)



TERM 1 & 2

What a great start to the academic year it has been for the children of Windmill Nursery! As well as our existing nursery children, it has been a pleasure to welcome lots of new starters to join our Herne family. The children settled beautifully and we are very proud of them all One of our early themes was Nursery Rhymes and the children particularly enjoyed exploring the environment to go on a spider hunt (linked to Incy Wincy). We joined with the rest of the school to celebrate National Fitness Day and Go Green week and we also had lots of fun during Apple week when the children got to try home made apple crumble – it smelled and tasted delicious!

Autumn arrived in earnest and that lent itself to another well loved theme – Autumn. We enjoyed listening to lots of Autumn themed stories including Leaf Man by Lois Ehlhart and we collected different coloured and sized leaves to make our own leaf people. The children really liked playing with pumpkins – sorting and ordering them by size and colour. We have saved some to paint white in winter and the rest we made into bird feeders

We were proud to contribute to a beautiful purple poppy wreath which was presented at St Martin’s Church as part of their Remembrance Day service and we rounded off the year by exploring all things Christmassy including making Christingles and thinking about the story of the very first Christmas. It was especially lovely to welcome parents and carers into Nursery to hear the children sing and to take part in some arts and crafts with their children – a lovely time was had by all!

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