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Windmill Nursery - Home Learning

Home learning for our Nursery children is an opportunity to learn from you, their first teacher. 

Miss Filmer will be uploading regular videos for you to share with your children.

Children will learn through play and exploration and also through everyday tasks. 

We have a few suggestions of key skills to develop with your child and you might help your child to learn these.


Key skills

  • Communication – Dedicate some time to find a quiet space and talk with your child, use language as you play alongside them (Descriptions such as tall and small, retell a story, make the toys talk to each other), discover new words and vocabulary
  • Take turns – Play board games and card games which require waiting a turn.  Children also need to learn to lose sometimes and how to manage these feelings.
  • Number recognition and maths – Board games, finding numbers on ingredients when baking, looking for car registration plates and door number when walking, let children explore a calculator, play shops, commenting on the shape of everyday objects “Let’s open the curtains of your square window”
  • Fine motor skills – Help them to hold their pencil and pens correctly, colouring, pegging washing on a line, playdough, helping with DIY (hammer nails into wood)
  • English – Practise recognising their name, play games like eye spy to enable children to hear initial sounds, read stories to your child and ask questions about the story (What do you think happens next?  Can you think of another word to describe her dress?)  let them watch you write and they may mimic this with mark (Crossword, shopping list, letter – they will see the purpose in writing)
  • Life skills – This is the opportunity to ensure children are toilet trained, can use a knife and fork, know how to wash their hands properly, how to cross the road safely etc.
  • Physical – A walk, a bike ride, teach them to throw and catch a ball, let them run at the park or climb play equipment
  • Social and emotional – connections will be really important to your child.  Mainly with you but also with friends and family.  Perhaps organise a virtual hello, go for a local walk past friends or family and wave hello, call grandparents.  Emotionally children will find stability in a daily routine and consistent expectations.  The most important thing is that your child knows they are loved.  Tell them daily, give lots of hugs and positive reinforcement when they make good choices.


If you have any queries please contact Miss Filmer via the school email or your Nursery class email.

Home Learning WB 22/2/2021

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