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Outdoor Learning

Outdoor Learning


Outdoor learning is a key element of our curriculum design and is woven across all subjects to enhance learning and facilitate opportunities for real life experiences.  Examples of this will be evident in subject pages and curriculum maps.


We are fortunate to have two bespoke outdoor classrooms, The Hive and The Wildlife area.  The Hive provides children with the opportunity to play and explore nature’s bounty, immersing them in an environment that fosters their flourishing skills. The Wildlife Area allows children to observe nature and the way it changes throughout the year. We take great pride in our Wildlife Area as a sanctuary for mindfulness, prayer and friendship.


Our Outdoor curriculum is designed to provide all children with a holistic approach to learning. The children's time in our fantastic outdoor environment is filled with many opportunities to develop and learn a variety of new skills. We believe that the development of life long skills and knowledge has equal importance as other subjects which is why every class ensures they have regular time in the outdoor classrooms. The skills and knowledge taught in the outdoor classrooms engages and excites children in spectacular ways. In year 2, children bring their learning of ‘The Great Fire of London’ to life, by safely seeing how different materials react to fire.  We understand that learning outdoors and spending time with nature is key to improving children’s health, well-being and happiness.  ​


Our ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’ (CoEL) underpin all learning at Herne Infants. When using the outdoor spaces our children are able to link their learning to our CoEL and use them as a way to express their knowledge and desire to learn. The outdoor environment is the prime location for children to take risks which builds upon their resilient nature. Children approach activities differently when solving problems, this may be as part of a team or independently. All skills are valued and equally important.


“An understanding of the natural world and what’s in it is a source of not only a great curiosity but great fulfillment.”

David Attenborough




Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Safety rules in the Hive and Wildlife area.

Similarities and differences

Seasonal Change

Strawberry planting and care

Fire Safety and observe fire lighting

Den building using everyday resources.


Year 1

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Making a bug hotel /

hedgehog house / bird feeders

Fire lighting (exploring materials)

Bark/leaf rubbing

Lavender planting

Create a shelter



Year 2

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Den building

Build a waterproof den

Fire safety and skills (5 sessions)

Poppy planting

Tent week – outdoor base for enrichment learning.




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