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Competitions And Events

Dance Competition 2023

We love our annual dance competition at Herne! Each class creates a dance routine to perform using the same theme. Recent themes have included Disney, weather and countries! We love performing to our special judges who visit from the East Kent Coastal Sports Partnership. It is always a fantastic, memorable event!

Football Competition 2023

Congratulations to the Year 2 children who came 1st and 2nd in the football competition against other local schools at Herne Bay High!

Gymnastics Competition 2023

A huge well done to our Year 2 gymnastics teams who competed against other local schools. Each child performed their floor routine with control and skill. Congratulations to the teams for coming 2nd, 4th and 6th.

Speed Stacking Competition 2023

We are so proud of our super speed stacking teams for their efforts in the speed stacking competition! Out of 14 teams, the Year 2 teams came 2nd and 3rd and our Year 1 team came 8th. What a great achievement!

Sports Day 2023

We enjoyed a brilliant week of sport at Herne in the sunshine! Each year group had a great sports day with all children involved in races and a variety of activities. Thank you so much for all of the family involvement with the activity afternoons, it was wonderful to see everyone having fun together.

Year 2 Cross Country Competition 2023

Congratulations to our super cross country teams! With over 60 children on the start line from different schools, the children were amazing! Teams placed 1st, 6th and 7th. Well done.

Year 2 Hockey Competition 2023

Year 2 have been learning how to play hockey, carefully controlling the ball and holding the hockey stick correctly. We finished the term with a year group competition and some great matches took place. Well done to Otter class who won the tournament!

Year 2 Infant Agility Competition 2023

A group of children in Year 2 took part in the Infant Agility competition at Herne Bay High against 15 other local schools. Children took part in different activities including speed bounce, distance throwing and bowling. We were so impressed with the children who came 1st and won the competition!

Year 2 Kurling Competition 2023

During Term 3 children in Year 2 have been taking part in Kurling during PE lessons. We finished the term in one of our favourite ways – a year group competition! A particular well done to Badger class who won the tournament!

Cross Country 2022 - 2023

We always love our annual Wake and Shake festival. Each class creates a great exercise routine that can be performed by others to join in. The routines are filmed so they can be used throughout the year in classes!

Wake & Shake Festival 2022

We always love our annual Wake and Shake festival. Each class creates a great exercise routine that can be performed by others to join in. The routines are filmed so they can be used throughout the year in classes!

Year 2 Basketball Festival 2022

Some children from Year 2 enjoyed a special basketball festival at Herne Bay High. The children learnt new skills such as dribbling, passing and shooting and had so much fun!

Year 2 Cornerball Festival 2022

We had a great time at the cornerball festival at Herne Bay High! Teams were made up of children from Year 2 and Year 3 to play against other schools. It was lovely to make new friends!

Clap And Catch 2021

We are very proud that during lockdown we had incredible involvement with the Clap and Catch competition. This was organised virtually and Herne had 102 children who entered along with 38 members of staff for the adult competition!

Children from Herne took 1st place in Year R, Year 1 and Year 2! Well done!

Speed Stacking 2021

Due to government restrictions during the pandemic, the speed stacking competition was held as a virtual event. 20 children from Year 1 and Year 2 entered and we are so proud of them all! A huge well done to our Year 1 children who placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd in this event against local schools.

Wake & Shake 2021

Congratulations to Year 1 Rabbits and Year 2 Badgers who placed 1st and 2nd in the 2020 Wake and Shake competition against local schools!

Cross Country

We recently took a group of 14 children from Year 2 to participate in a cross country competition against other local schools. The children have been using their lunch times to practise and were very excited to take part. Out of 47 children, all of the Herne cross country team did brilliantly and finished in the top half of the results. A special mention to the children who came 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th! We are so proud of all of the children, they were incredible!!

Speed Stacking

This year three teams from Year 2 entered the Speed stacking competition against other schools in the area. The children practised very hard and gave up their own time during lunch times and after school to improve their speed! This competition was against 6 teams and the three teams from Herne placed 1st, 4th and 5th. Well done to you all!

Wake & Shake

Our Wake and Shake team have been superstars! They have been arriving at school early to practise their routine and performed brilliantly for the competition. This competition was a Key Stage 2 event, however, our super talented Key Stage 1 children were entered against the older teams and earnt 3rd place. What a great achievement! Congratulations.

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