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Governing Body

The Governors of

Herne C E Infant and Nursery School


Mrs E Thomas-Friend is Executive Headteacher at Herne C E Infant & Nursery School and works closely with the Board of Governors. 
Miss L St John is Head of School at Herne C E Infant & Nursery School and works closely with the Board of Governors.

Dr L Thundow -  Chair of Governors

I have two children at Herne, one in Year R and one in Year 2.   I’ve lived with my husband and our 2 children in Herne for nearly 7 years now and I love being part of the community here, especially now the children are at school.  I grew up locally in Canterbury and went to both school and university there where I first studied Chemistry and then completed a PhD in Physics.  I currently work from home as a Freelance Market Research and Management Consultant, working with science and technology companies.  I am looking forward to representing the parents' perspective on the governing body and using my skills to support the other governors, the school leadership team and wider staff to maintain and develop the excellent standard of education and nurturing environment that we are so lucky to have at Herne Infants.






Mrs L Taylor -  Co-Opted Governor (Support Staff).

I am the Chair of the Finance Committee. I work in the school office. I have two sons who both thoroughly enjoyed their early years education here at Herne C of E Infant and Nursery School. Please feel free to contact me at school if you have any concerns or questions regarding the role of our school governors.


Mr J Wraight - Parent Governor

I currently have one child in Year 1 and one child in Nursery at Herne Infants and my eldest child is in Year 4 at Herne Juniors. I am an EYFS and KS1 Specialist Advisory Teacher for the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education and former infant school teacher and leader. I am passionate about children’s early education, particularly in early reading. I look forward to utilising these skills to represent the parent’s perspective during my time as a Parent Governor, supporting staff and leaders and the wonderful school community to continue to flourish and develop the outstanding provision that our children are so very lucky to have at Herne Infants. I have lived in Herne & Broomfield with my wife, 3 children, 1 cat and 2 guinea pigs for the past 13 years and grew up in Whitstable before completing a degree in Geography and later a PGCE in Primary Education. I am also a member of St Martin’s Church Sunday School Leaders. I enjoy football, walking and exploring the outdoors.



Mrs H Adams - Parent Governor

I have lived in Broomfield with my partner for nine years and we have two children. Our eldest is a pupil at the school and is currently in year R. 

I completed a BSc (Hons) degree in Psychology with Sociology at the University of Gloucestershire before working in Insurance Management, and more recently as a Senior Internal Auditor which involved scrutinising and monitoring strategy and processes across financial, travel and care industries with the aim of continually driving improvements. I am keen to support the positive relationship between parents and the school, and to deliver positive and aspirational outcomes for all children in a safe and inclusive environment so they can thrive and achieve their full potential. 

I have lived in Broomfield with my partner for nine years and we have two children. Our eldest is a pupil at the school and is currently in year R. 

I completed a BSc (Hons) degree in Psychology with Sociology at the University of Gloucestershire before working in Insurance Management, and more recently as a Senior Internal Auditor which involved scrutinising and monitoring strategy and processes across financial, travel and care industries with the aim of continually driving improvements. I am keen to support the positive relationship between parents and the school, and to deliver positive and aspirational outcomes for all children in a safe and inclusive environment so they can thrive and achieve their full potential. 


Mr J Browning - Vice Chair.

Mr Browning was a pupil of Herne Infant School, some 20 years ago and has come back to re-join the Herne School family as a LA governor. He now works as a CEO of a charity managing multiple community venues across East Kent. In this role he specialises in social enterprise development and charity governance.  He is also a safeguarding trainer for Kent Safeguarding Children Board. 

He studied Politics and International Relations at the University of Kent and recently completed his post graduate studies at Canterbury Christchurch in Management Science, becoming a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Managers. 

In his spare time he is a Community First Responders and has volunteered his time for 7 years, responding to 999 calls with the ambulance service.  He also has a passion for teaching first aid, and has taught this to thousands of young people over the past 12 years with the British Red Cross. 



Dr R Mallia - Local Authority Governor

One of my children currently attends Herne Infants and I have a younger one who will be starting at a later date. 

My background is in Speech and Language Therapy. This helps me to bring new and fresh ideas to the table. Being a school governor means that I also get to learn how a school operates on a day-to-day basis. I am a strong believer in working in partnership and this role helps me to fulfil this. 


Miss L Aisawi - Staff Governor

I am a staff governor and have worked at Herne infants as a Teaching Assistant since 2014.

All four of my daughters started their education at Herne and flourished during their time here. 

Herne therefore has a very special place in my heart. I love my job and am passionate about giving back to Herne what it gave to my girls.



Mrs D Waller - Foundation Governor

I a Foundation Governor on behalf of the local parish of St Martin's Herne and St, Peter's Greenhill. Since 2016 I have been a licensed Reader Minister and was relicensed to Herne last September. Over the years I have had a lot of experience as a Staff Governor and Foundation Governor at Sturry CofE school and I was very pleased to be asked to act as a governor at Herne Infants. I am a primary school teacher with over 25 years experience and I still do some supply teaching. Both of my grandchildren attend this lovely school and I am keen to promote not only it's Christian ethic but also its amazing teaching and learning capacity.


Rev Chris Carnaby-Denyer - Foundation Governor



Mrs S Gough – Foundation Governor

I am a Foundation Governor on behalf of St Martin’s Church Herne.

I have been a regular worshiper at St Martin’s Church Herne since moving to Herne in 1992. I am now retired but previously worked at Strode Park Foundation in the Finance Department for nearly 29 years.

I enjoy reading, going to the theatre and walking our 6 year old greyhound Katie.




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