Herne CE Infant & Nursery School adheres to the admission’s criteria published by Kent County Council. In line with government legislation this will limit class numbers to a maximum of 30 children. The school’s published admissions number is 90 children in each year group.
All children start school in the September of the school year in which they are five. The admissions process for Entry to Year R is co-ordinated by Kent County Council. Applications are made on line between November and January through KCC Primary Admissions. Parents are informed by the LA which school their child has been allocated.
Further information can be found on our website under Starting School 2024.
Please also see the information below regarding Admission Criteria.
If you would like to visit the school please see the Tour Dates under Starting School tab.
If you require any help with Admissions please contact the school office who will be happy to help.
Please note: all dates are set by the LA and may differ from those shown.
The school does not have a catchment area - Reception places are allocated by the Local Authority (KCC) according to the school's admission criteria, as follows:
Full information regarding oversubscription criteria can be found here
This criteria is also used if the school is oversubscribed.
If you are looking for a school place in Year R, 1 or 2 please contact the school office to find out if there any places available. Schools deal with all In Year applications and maintain their own waiting lists. You will need to download and complete an In Year Admission Form and send it to the school you wish to apply for. Further advice on available places in schools can be gained from Kent County Council Admissions and Transport Department, Tel: 03000 412121.
Please use the link for further information regarding KCC In Year Admissions
All applications for Nursery places are dealt with by the school. Please send your completed Nursery Application Form directly to the school. Further information can be found under the 'Windmill Nursery' tab.