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Welcome to Herne Infant & Nursery School - Learning, loving and growing together ... Admissions 2025 - come and have a look around our Outstanding School, Tour Dates and more information can be found under the Starting School tab below
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Things We Need

We do not have a uniform in Nursery but we do ask that children wear appropriate clothing and footwear suitable for all aspects of learning, including outdoor and messy play.

Please ensure your child comes to nursery with a book bag as these are useful for letters, library books and master pieces that they wish to take home! Barnums School Uniform Shop in Herne Bay sells the Herne Infant and Nursery School book bags, which are red.

Your child will also need a pair of named wellies to be kept in our cloakroom for when we visit the Wildlife Area, the HIVE (the school’s enclosed mini forest) or the puddles outdoors!

It is also extremely useful to bring a named bag of spare clothes into Nursery everyday just in case.

We will also need an A4 lever arch folder so that we can put all of your child’s beautiful work and art pieces in. This is something that you will be able to look through throughout the year.


Help Children To Be Independent

As you are aware, the children often need to change into their wellies or take their shoes off for physical activity. Please could you send your child to Nursery wearing shoes they can put on and take off easily. Shoe laces take a long time to do when there are lots of children! By providing your child with suitable footwear you are also encouraging their independence skills.

We are encouraging the children to put their coats on independently. Maybe they can practise this at home, showing you some strategies we teach in Nursery! One strategy that we use in Windmill Nursery, is for the children to put the hood of the coat on their head and then to push their arms through. Can they pull their zip up once you start them off?


Home Time

If your child is going to be collected at home time by a different person then please let us know at the beginning of the session.


Learning Journeys

It is highly important that you see your child’s learning and what it is they do all day! Your child has their own Learning Journey folder which contains ‘work’ that they do during Teacher Directed Times and Cool Time (Child Initiated Play). You will be able to see your child’s learning journey and their incredible work that is displayed around the nursery during our come and see afternoons which are every other term.

Alongside this, we also take photographs of your child’s learning and match them to the key Characteristics of Effective Learning on a secure Evidence Me profile which will be emailed to you at the end of each full term. Please ensure the office have your current email address so that they can email you more information regarding the Evidence Me profile.


Important Information

We believe it is very important for you as parents to know what your child is learning in our nursery and this is why every week we write some news on our school weekly bulletin. Within our passage, we update you on what your child has learnt during the week and what they will be learning the following week at nursery. In our weekly bulletin you will also find important diary dates and more vital information for you.


Favourite Food Time

We all have times during the day that we feel hungry and this is why we provide the children with a midmorning fruit snack with milk or water. We also know that our other favourite food time is lunch. To help us support your children during their lunch time it would be really helpful if you could ensure fruit such as grapes are cut in half and due to possible allergies, we are a nut free school so please do not put any items of food that contain nuts into the lunchboxes.  Please see the links below for additional information regarding food and portion sizes.


Food Portion Sizes for Children Aged 1- 4 years


Food Colouring and Hyperactivity


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