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Welcome to Herne Infant & Nursery School - Learning, loving and growing together ... Admissions 2025 - come and have a look around our Outstanding School, Tour Dates and more information can be found under the Starting School tab below
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  • Our main aim is to provide our children with opportunities to develop a love of learning and access to the wider curriculum and develop life skills.
  • The intention of Maths throughout our school is to provide children with accumulating skills and knowledge relating to number, shape and measure.
  • Through the outstanding pedagogy at our school, children learn the foundations for lifelong vital skills such as telling the time, measuring distances (useful for calculating journey length when walking, driving, planning a route)
  • Through counting, children learn to be precise (e.g. could help them to measure out drugs as a doctor, or to measure lengths of wood as a carpenter)
  • Through subitizing, children learn to estimate (e.g. length of time it will take to drive to work, or calculate/budget using a monthly wage)
  • Vocabulary is developed systematically through all areas of our curriculum.
  • Maths in our school is very practical – we use a CPA approach (concrete, pictorial, abstract) which therefore allows all different types of learner, including children with SEND to make progress.
  • All children are encouraged to use concrete resources to aid their understanding initially and when ready, will move to pictorial representations and eventually to an abstract understanding of mathematical concepts, held in their head.
  • We follow a mastery curriculum – taking children deeper into the subject – instead of moving them outside of their year group we promote flexibility and fluidity in the greater depth (e.g. show me another way to work out that answer, what else do you notice)
  • As well as using a mastery approach we encourage the use of the wider environment through outdoor and active maths, offering the children rich, first-hand relevant experiences and empowering them to make meaningful links across the curriculum.
  • Children will be given equal opportunity to practise their fluency, problem solving and reasoning throughout taught sessions.
  • We aim to teach our children to have a playful, can do attitude to Maths and empower them to enquire, become curious and creative with maths and unafraid of making mistakes.
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